•4 min read
Finished Mavis hat, Align mitts, and Creativity check, February 2020
Since I wrote my post about my creative plans for 2020, I've made some progress on projects, finishing a few and starting two new works in progress. I knit a bit here and there in the evenings, but also on car rides and when we visit family on the...
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Creative goals for 2020 and finished Christmas socks
With the new year, I find it helpful to roughly frame out some creative ambitions for the coming months. I take stock of supples or yarn I have on hand, patterns I'm eyeing, and longed-for projects that I would enjoy making. And over time, I've...
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Creativity check and finished projects, mid-fall 2019
It's been awhile since my last creativity check-in. I like to keep a log of what I'm working on, what I've finished, and what I'd like to make next, knitting- and sometimes sewing-wise. This time around, I haven't done any sewing, but there's...
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Creativity check & finished projects, summer 2019
I thought it was time I wrote about my recent reative pursuits, since I haven't done a "Creativity check" since February! In the interim, I didn't work on as many projects as I usually do, in part because moving and transitioning took precedence....
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Creativity check & finished knits, late February 2019
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Creative goals, 2019 and Finished Christmas Hermoine socks
Every January, I enjoy sorting out my creative thoughts for the upcoming year. I find it helps motivate me to use (beautiful) materials I already own and help curb feelings of wanting accumulate more. You can read last year's creative goals post...
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Creativity check, Fall 2018
As is my custom periodically, here's a little snapshot of my current creative endeavors. It helps me stay organized and motivated to see everything in one place, including finished projects, works-in-progress, and future project planning.
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Late July creativity check + Summer of basics update
I thought I'd check in and share my current projects and my progress on the three month make-a-long, Summer of Basics. I've been knitting quite a lot, lately. Sewing is trickier for me just to take up when the mood strikes, because it requires a lot...
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Creativity check & Summer of Basics 2018
It's been awhile since my last "creative check in." I've finished quite a lot in that time and I have a lot of future plans for both knitting and sewing. If you're new to reading my blog, I do these check-ins periodically to log and plan my sewing,...
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Creative grace & works in progress, spring 2018
As is my custom peridically, here's a little snapshot of my current creative endeavors. It helps me stay organized and motivated to see everything in one place, including finished projects, works-in-progress, and future project planning.
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Creative progress, March 2018
My first love gets to go first, of course.
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Creativity check, winter 2018
It's time for another little creative check-in! I write these about every month or so, just to check in and keep a log of future/completed/current projects. It's fun to document, plus it keeps my not-so-good-at-multitasking brain more organized.
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Creative goals, 2018
Each January, I like to gather all the ideas, motivations, and plans for projects that are jumbled up in my brain and document them here, in a more organized and tangible way. I've found having a plan for what I'm making helps me actually finish...
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Creativity check, early November 2017 + thoughts on 9" circulars
There's something about the cooler weather that makes me want to make things, even more than normal. Many people are "seasonal knitters," preferring to do most of their knitting in the cooler months. Iif you've read my blog for any amount of time,...
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Creativity check & works-in-progress, October 2017
I figured it was time to do a little check-in, project-wise. I've been working on a lot and feeling exciting about both knitting and sewing. Here's a post about what I've been working on (and what I want to work on soon), but first, a pumpkin-y...
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Progress toward creative goals, late summer 2017
I thought I'd touch base on what I've been up to lately, creatively. I've actually been making a lot of things, many of which I haven't shared yet, since they were or are going to be gifts, and I wanted to share them only after the intended...
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Works in progress, creative planning, & excess
I do little check-in's, now and again, to help me organize current and future projects. I'm currently feeling a little scattered, project-wise with far more in-progress projects than normal, but I'll get to that. It's quite the list!
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Progress toward creative goals, spring 2017
At the beginning of the year, I made a set of "creative goals" for 2017. In March, I wrote about my progress toward those goals, and I'd like to check in regularly and update my goals as they change and/or write about progress in general. So far,...
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Progress toward creative goals, winter 2017
I wrote a post in January about this year's creative goals. They seemed a bit lofty at the time, but I've actually made a good deal of progress. I think now is as good a time as any to check in, assess, and adjust as necessary:
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Creative goals, 2017
I've seen a few of people's "best nine" selections of things they want to create in 2017 floating around on the web. And so, I thought it would be a good idea for me to loosely organize my "creative plans" for the year. My reasons for this are...
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Creativity check: Summer 2016
It's been awhile since I've catalogued my creative plans and works-in-progress. Personally, I find it helpful for me to see it all laid out together, so I can plan and prioritize in a more thoughtful way. After all, I don't want to make things, just...
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Creativity check: Early 2016
You see, I don't want to just make stuff. I create as an outlet, to make things for other people, and ultimately, to produce items of utility and beauty. To achieve these objectives usually requires some forethought and planning. That said, it's so...
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