7 min read

Creativity check, July 2024

I haven't shared an overview about my current creative projects since March of this year, so I figured this was overdue! I have been knitting and making quite a bit. It is always helpful for me to sort it all out in a cohesive blog post – to see...

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5 min read

Cooper is five!

A few weeks ago, we celebrated our biggest little boy – he's five years old now! I know everyone talks about how quickly time passes, but I truly feel it with each passing birthday of our kids.

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3 min read

A whirlwind day trip and a concert

I mentioned it briefly in my last post, but several days ago, I took a (long) day trip down to the Indianapolis area for a concert with my sister-in-law, Katelyn.

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4 min read

Life lately, late spring 2024

I kept meaning to get a blog post out earlier than this, but nevertheless, here it is! It's been so long since I did a little "life lately" post, where I recap recent little joys and happenings in our life. Everything I'll share here has been since...

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3 min read

The Everybody cardigan, finished

After much ado – which is (admittedly) typical for me with garment knitting – my cardigan is done!

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4 min read

Celebrating Finn and a spring family visit

Well, hello! It has been a long time, phew. It feels good to be back to writing and sharing about our life, beginning with a visit from my family in mid-April!

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