
7 min read

Creativity check, July 2024

I haven't shared an overview about my current creative projects since March of this year, so I figured this was overdue! I have been knitting and making quite a bit. It is always helpful for me to sort it all out in a cohesive blog post – to see...

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3 min read

The Everybody cardigan, finished

After much ado – which is (admittedly) typical for me with garment knitting – my cardigan is done!

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3 min read

The Traveler cowl, finished

It's been awhile since I finished a larger project. Normally, I wouldn't consider a cowl to be a "larger" project, but I suppose that all comes down to gauge and dimensions. This one was quite a lot of knitting.

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6 min read

Creativity check, early March 2024

It has been some time since I shared details of my current creative projects. Due to some recent difficult news in our little family, I have been reaching for "comforting knits." For me, this looks like two projects (max) at a time, and a mixture of...

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3 min read

Storm sweater junior for Cooper, finished

It was due time for me to knit another sweater for Cooper! He is a very enthusiastic recipient of handmade things, in general. And so, with his approval, I settled on the Storm Sweater Junior pattern by PetiteKnit. I wanted to knit a sweater with...

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6 min read

Creative goals for 2024

Every year, I like to set a loose framework of "creative aspirations," if you will. Basically, I type out a collection of patterns for knitting, sewing, crochet, etc. that serve a purpose in being a match for materials I already own, show me a new...

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7 min read

2023: A knitting year in review

Every year, I find it helpful to look back on the last 12 months (ish) of knitting and make some observations. Notably, I like to pay attention to what did I make, did I learn new skills, try new materials, knit a specific pattern more than once?...

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4 min read

Slightly sassy v sweater, finished

Happy new year! I typically find that one week between Christmas and new years is not enough time for me to truly reflect and think back on the year past. So while January first may be a grand start for some, I will spend much of this month...

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10 min read

Creativity check, October 2023

Since my last creativity check in, in late July, I've been rather prolific, in both knitting and sewing. As the weather gets cooler, I do find that I'm switching gears to more cool-weather projects.  I'm eager to finish up some remaining...

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3 min read

Corran cardigan, finished

Several weeks ago, I finished a new cardigan! This project was the first time I've done an all over lace pattern, as well as the first time I've made a drop shoulder construction cardigan.

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4 min read

Life lately, early September 2023

Today, the air felt different. Cooler and more crisp. Filled with anitcipation. The last several weeks since my last "life lately" post, have been filled with a lot of summery fun and they've felt full. I might be getting ahead of myself, since it...

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10 min read

Creativity check, late July 2023

As July comes to a close, I wanted to check in and share some recent projects I've been working on, as well as a few that I've completed. I also wanted to share some creative-focused podcasts I've been enjoying, and some musings about crafting in...

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8 min read

Creativity check and finished projects, late May 2023

I've been fairly prolific (by my own standards) lately in terms of sewing and knitting and I figured it was time to share some of them! With spring and summery weather, I always feel a shift in terms of my creativity. I still want to knit with wool,...

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3 min read

Kerti sweater, finished

Just in time for summery temperatures this week, I've finished a sweater in a dreamy, lightweight wool. I've set a new personal record for sweater knitting, start-to-finish with this one.

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5 min read

Creativity check and finished projects, spring 2023

Spring is here! And with it, I find myself wanting to start all kinds of new projects, but I've been holding onto some self control and trying to wrap up my current projects, somewhat successfully. Since my last check-in, I've finished a few...

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3 min read

Habitation throw, finished

After many months of sporadically working on this project, it's done! This was a longer term project for me, due to the size, and it suited me well to keep it as a background project to work on when I felt like it. However, with the beginning of...

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4 min read

Creative goals for 2023

At the beginning of each year, I like to make a rough outline of some creative plans. I know that these tentative plans will invariably change, but I like to have a starting point when I look ahead to projects, especially in terms of using yarn or...

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2 min read

Fluffiest set vest, finished

When Hannah of Hannah G. Knits shared photos of a children's boucle vest and put out a call for testing, I applied.

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12 min read

2022: A year in review

Welcome to my annual post of our life in the last year – a review of all the big and little events, travels, habits, heartbreaks, and joys. These posts require a lot of time and energy, in part due to sifting through all the posts I wrote in the...

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5 min read

2022: A knitting year in review

It's that time of year where I catalog and review all the projects I've knit in the course of the last year. I find it interesting to note trends in my making, and to look back on how my creativity has served me in that time.

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2 min read

Musselburgh hat and Sophie scarf, finished

After a big garment project like Nicholas' Towns Sweater, I love working on smaller projects that require less mental fortitude. (Knitting a sweater for him wasn't difficult, but since he and I are both picky about fit, it required lots of tweaking...

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2 min read

Towns sweater, finished

It's finally done! It has been for a few weeks, actually, but we needed the weather to cooperate for some photos. After being together for twelve years (married more than nine) I finally knit a sweater for Nicholas.

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7 min read

Creativity check and several finished projects, fall 2022

I've written countless times about how organizing and planning my creative projects helps me ward off overwhelm and stay "on track," so that I actually finish projects. And much the same, a general outline of my projects in various statuses...

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2 min read

Finished cozy, improv cowl

This particular project has been on my needles since March of this year. At the very start, it felt like a mindless, but very uphill project. I knit it on size 2 needles, and at first, I had to look down a lot as I knit, and it just felt slow. But...

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3 min read

Travel knitting: The why and how

Apart from short errands around town, whenever I leave the house, I nearly always have my knitting in hand. A few stitches here and there really add up over time, and if I'm ever in a position where I'm waiting, I would prefer to occupy my hands...

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