
7 min read

Creativity check, July 2024

I haven't shared an overview about my current creative projects since March of this year, so I figured this was overdue! I have been knitting and making quite a bit. It is always helpful for me to sort it all out in a cohesive blog post – to see...

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5 min read

Cooper is five!

A few weeks ago, we celebrated our biggest little boy – he's five years old now! I know everyone talks about how quickly time passes, but I truly feel it with each passing birthday of our kids.

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3 min read

A whirlwind day trip and a concert

I mentioned it briefly in my last post, but several days ago, I took a (long) day trip down to the Indianapolis area for a concert with my sister-in-law, Katelyn.

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4 min read

Life lately, late spring 2024

I kept meaning to get a blog post out earlier than this, but nevertheless, here it is! It's been so long since I did a little "life lately" post, where I recap recent little joys and happenings in our life. Everything I'll share here has been since...

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3 min read

The Everybody cardigan, finished

After much ado – which is (admittedly) typical for me with garment knitting – my cardigan is done!

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4 min read

Celebrating Finn and a spring family visit

Well, hello! It has been a long time, phew. It feels good to be back to writing and sharing about our life, beginning with a visit from my family in mid-April!

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4 min read

A little life, spring 2024

A friend of mine and I often discuss the practice of finding delight in our "little lives." My life isn't glamorous, but there are moments where I am acutely aware of the gift of the life I have, as mama to these two little boys, and wife to...

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4 min read

Finn is two!

In my recent post about life in the kitchen, lately, I alluded to a recent family birthday. Finn turned two in March! Oh, I can hardly believe that it has been two whole years since his birth, and our first opportunity to get to know him, and a year...

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3 min read

The Traveler cowl, finished

It's been awhile since I finished a larger project. Normally, I wouldn't consider a cowl to be a "larger" project, but I suppose that all comes down to gauge and dimensions. This one was quite a lot of knitting.

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5 min read

In the kitchen, lately

I spend a large portion of every day in our kitchen. Preparing food, feeding little boys, washing dishes, wiping down counters, getting snacks, baking, feeding the sourdough starter...and the list goes on, with all the planning, chopping, sautéing,...

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4 min read

Little local adventures, late winter 2024

With all the mild days we've had this winter, we have spent a lot of time outside. We've visited playgrounds with friends, yes, but we have also spent a lot of time outside in our own (new) yard, as well as on little excursions close to home.

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6 min read

Creativity check, early March 2024

It has been some time since I shared details of my current creative projects. Due to some recent difficult news in our little family, I have been reaching for "comforting knits." For me, this looks like two projects (max) at a time, and a mixture of...

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3 min read

Redemption in loss

Weary of grief. That's the best way to describe how I felt when we had another miscarriage recently. It can feel like there is a limit to heartache, and there have been seasons where truly, it feels like we are at that threshold.

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5 min read

Life lately, winter 2024

It has been quite some time since I wrote a little catch-up post on the little doings in our life. I like to record the bits and pieces, the details of daily life that might otherwise be forgotten months or years from now. Things that feel small,...

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3 min read

Storm sweater junior for Cooper, finished

It was due time for me to knit another sweater for Cooper! He is a very enthusiastic recipient of handmade things, in general. And so, with his approval, I settled on the Storm Sweater Junior pattern by PetiteKnit. I wanted to knit a sweater with...

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4 min read

Him, 34 years

We celebrated Nicholas' birthday a few weekends ago! It fell on a Friday, and his request for a treat was breakfast sourdough cinnamon rolls (the boys were thrilled about this, of course). The day before, they helped me roll out and assemble the...

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6 min read

Creative goals for 2024

Every year, I like to set a loose framework of "creative aspirations," if you will. Basically, I type out a collection of patterns for knitting, sewing, crochet, etc. that serve a purpose in being a match for materials I already own, show me a new...

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16 min read

2023: A year in review

Every year, I write a post encompassing the events and abundance of the year prior. Joys and heartaches, lessons learned, life updates, what we ate, what I listened to, and what the year looked like for me. It is methodical and therapeutic in that...

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4 min read

Christmas 2023, part 2

I wrote about the first round of our Christmas celebrations, and then, for the second round a couple weeks ago, my parents and brother, Matt, drove down to visit and celebrate a belated Christmas together.

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7 min read

2023: A knitting year in review

Every year, I find it helpful to look back on the last 12 months (ish) of knitting and make some observations. Notably, I like to pay attention to what did I make, did I learn new skills, try new materials, knit a specific pattern more than once?...

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4 min read

Slightly sassy v sweater, finished

Happy new year! I typically find that one week between Christmas and new years is not enough time for me to truly reflect and think back on the year past. So while January first may be a grand start for some, I will spend much of this month...

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3 min read

Christmas 2023, part 1

I wanted to share a bit about our first round of Christmas celebrations. We spent Christmas Eve and Day close to home, with Nicholas' family. And then, my family is visiting us in early January, at which time we will celebrate Christmas with them!

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5 min read

Bright bits of life, December 2023

Amidst the busyness of moving and settling in, we have been up to other little bits of life! Of course, there are Christmas preparations and festive baking, last-minute gift wrapping and post office trips, meal planning for Christmas Eve and...

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3 min read

An ode to our family's first house

I've shared about our recent move, and a bit about our new home, so it felt right to give a bit of tribute to our first house. Rather than show photos of empty rooms, I wanted to share a few of the photos that I took that we used in the listing.

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3 min read

We moved!

It's been awhile since my last post, and for good reason. I mentioned in that particular post that we were in "a flurry of organizing and paring down," and that's true–in preparation for a move to a different house in our area, just across town.

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