
3 min read

Favorites of fall

Despite my writing in the previous post that fall felt like it passed the baton to winter, we've actually had some rather warm and sunny weather here. Trying to enjoy the ease of outdoor time without winter layers, just yet!

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3 min read

Savoring a brief fall

In some very real ways, autumn felt like it lasted for only a few weeks. September was a very warm month–hot even–and then our temperatures quickly dipped from the seventies to the low fifties and forties. I love this time of year, so I savored any...

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6 min read

A fall visit with family

This past weekend, my parents and brother made the drive down from my original home state of Minnesota for a visit with us! The weather and the fall colors were beautiful throughout the entire visit, so we spent lots of time outdoors.

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10 min read

Creativity check, October 2023

Since my last creativity check in, in late July, I've been rather prolific, in both knitting and sewing. As the weather gets cooler, I do find that I'm switching gears to more cool-weather projects.  I'm eager to finish up some remaining...

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6 min read

Turning thirty-three & sewing an Orchards Dress

My birthday was at the end of September, and I typically like to reflect on my life (at whatever age I am) each year on my birthday. We don't have extravagent birthday celebrations, but with each birthday in our family, we try to make the day feel...

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5 min read

Local September fun

We've been up to some fun things over the past few weeks, and I figured it was time for a little catch up!

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3 min read

Corran cardigan, finished

Several weeks ago, I finished a new cardigan! This project was the first time I've done an all over lace pattern, as well as the first time I've made a drop shoulder construction cardigan.

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4 min read

Life lately, early September 2023

Today, the air felt different. Cooler and more crisp. Filled with anitcipation. The last several weeks since my last "life lately" post, have been filled with a lot of summery fun and they've felt full. I might be getting ahead of myself, since it...

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5 min read

Ten years of us

I'm a little late in sharing this, but we had a belated anniversary date planned and I wanted to share a bit about our celebration.

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3 min read

Anticipation and contentment

I'm eager to discuss my love of the seasons–all of them. The first snowfall and a fresh blanket, over all things, juxtaposed with the warmth and welcome of a snug home. The newness and hope of spring, the many firsts of blooms and barefeet in...

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2 min read

The five senses of August

Seeing – big ombre hydrangea blooms, Nicholas sanding his former desk out in the yard, Finn climbing into every basket and onto every surface in the house.

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7 min read

Life lately, late July 2023

Looking back at my recent posts, I realized it has been a long time since I wrote a little post about "life lately." I've written about things in our life, yes, like Cooper turning four, a visit to our friends in Bloomington, a visit from my family,...

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10 min read

Creativity check, late July 2023

As July comes to a close, I wanted to check in and share some recent projects I've been working on, as well as a few that I've completed. I also wanted to share some creative-focused podcasts I've been enjoying, and some musings about crafting in...

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4 min read

A family visit in July

A few weekends ago, my parents and brother drove down from Minnesota to visit. It had been a few months since we had last seen them, when they visited back in April, and we all wanted to celebrate a belated birthday for Cooper!

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4 min read

A weekend at Wilderlove Farm

Last month, we finally made the trip down to the Bloomington area in Southern Indiana to visit our friends Maeve and Kyle, on their farm! Maeve has visited us a few times, but this was our first time to Bloomington to see their home and their farm,...

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3 min read

In the garden, late June 2023

I decided that I was very overdue in writing about this year's garden. I've mentioned it here and there, but now that much more is happening, per say, I'll share some more!

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5 min read

Cooper is four!

I can hardly believe that our first baby turned four this past week. Each year spent with him is a gift.

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3 min read

A beach trip, a year later

It's been a year since my dear mother-in-law passed away. A year of us missing her, remembering her, wishing to tell her things, smiling at stories and memories and videos of her.

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5 min read

Life lately, June 2023

It's been awhile since my last little "life catchup," so I decided to fill in with how we've been filling our days. Summer weather is definitely here, but in the best way. A few really hot days aside, we've had so many beautiful days in the low to...

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7 min read

A spring visit to Texas

Seeing as we moved back to the midwest when I was entering my third trimester of pregnancy with Cooper – and we haven't visited since – a trip to Texas was overdue! We booked flights and arranged days to meet up with friends and got ready to show...

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8 min read

Creativity check and finished projects, late May 2023

I've been fairly prolific (by my own standards) lately in terms of sewing and knitting and I figured it was time to share some of them! With spring and summery weather, I always feel a shift in terms of my creativity. I still want to knit with wool,...

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3 min read

Life lately, early May 2023

It's been awhile since a "life lately" post where I write about all the little bits and pieces of our life. This spring has been a rather cold one, but just this past weekend, we are seeing much warmer temperatures and the weather seems to be...

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2 min read

Gathering and remembering in Ohio

As I mentioned in this recent post, sorrow and joy often intermingle. While my family was visiting recently, we got the news that Nicholas' grandpa passed away.

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5 min read

A spring visit with family

This past weekend, my parents and my brother drove down from Minnesota to visit us. We wanted to spend time together, and also celebrate my brother's birthday and a belated Finn's birthday.

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2 min read

A bittersweet spring

With the changing of the seasons, I'm reminded that sorrow and joy can exist alongside each other, and they often do.

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