
7 min read

Creativity check, July 2024

I haven't shared an overview about my current creative projects since March of this year, so I figured this was overdue! I have been knitting and making quite a bit. It is always helpful for me to sort it all out in a cohesive blog post – to see...

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6 min read

Creative goals for 2024

Every year, I like to set a loose framework of "creative aspirations," if you will. Basically, I type out a collection of patterns for knitting, sewing, crochet, etc. that serve a purpose in being a match for materials I already own, show me a new...

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10 min read

Creativity check, October 2023

Since my last creativity check in, in late July, I've been rather prolific, in both knitting and sewing. As the weather gets cooler, I do find that I'm switching gears to more cool-weather projects.  I'm eager to finish up some remaining...

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6 min read

Turning thirty-three & sewing an Orchards Dress

My birthday was at the end of September, and I typically like to reflect on my life (at whatever age I am) each year on my birthday. We don't have extravagent birthday celebrations, but with each birthday in our family, we try to make the day feel...

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10 min read

Creativity check, late July 2023

As July comes to a close, I wanted to check in and share some recent projects I've been working on, as well as a few that I've completed. I also wanted to share some creative-focused podcasts I've been enjoying, and some musings about crafting in...

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8 min read

Creativity check and finished projects, late May 2023

I've been fairly prolific (by my own standards) lately in terms of sewing and knitting and I figured it was time to share some of them! With spring and summery weather, I always feel a shift in terms of my creativity. I still want to knit with wool,...

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5 min read

Creativity check and finished projects, spring 2023

Spring is here! And with it, I find myself wanting to start all kinds of new projects, but I've been holding onto some self control and trying to wrap up my current projects, somewhat successfully. Since my last check-in, I've finished a few...

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4 min read

Creative goals for 2023

At the beginning of each year, I like to make a rough outline of some creative plans. I know that these tentative plans will invariably change, but I like to have a starting point when I look ahead to projects, especially in terms of using yarn or...

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12 min read

2022: A year in review

Welcome to my annual post of our life in the last year – a review of all the big and little events, travels, habits, heartbreaks, and joys. These posts require a lot of time and energy, in part due to sifting through all the posts I wrote in the...

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7 min read

Creativity check, August 2022

It's been some time since I wrote a post about my creative projects, and since a lot of my creative energy has gone to smaller projects like socks and accessories, I've been rather prolific (for me, anyway).

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6 min read

Creativity check and finished projects, spring 2022

It's been just about a month and a half since my last creative check in.  A lot has happened in that time, most notably the arrival of our newest family member. In a flurry of last minute nesting, I finished a few projects, and in the wake of...

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5 min read

Creativity check, nearly spring 2022

As part of the nesting of late pregnancy, I find myself eager to wrap up a few projects, and work on some to get them into a place where they don't require a lot of mental energy. I know my making time will be reduced and will look wildly different...

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7 min read

Creative goals for 2022 & finished projects

Each year, I like to loosely outline creative goals or desires for the coming year, including bookmarking specific patterns or mentioning materials (yarn or fabric) that I'd like to use. I always keep in mind that my creative plans or whims will...

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7 min read

Christmas crafting for gifting and home

Over the last several months, I've been working on several Christmas crafts—both sewing and knitting. Some are for our own home as decor, and most are gifts. Since some were mailed off relatively early or opened at early Christmas celebrations, I...

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4 min read

Creativity check, fall 2021

As the seasons shift and days bring cooler air, I'm keeping my hands busy with a few knitting and sewing crafts. And looking back in my archives, I just realized that I haven't written a "creativity check-in" since July. I have been working on...

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4 min read

Creativity check and finished projects, mid-July 2021

My creativity is rather steady, these days. I feel excited about several projects, and it's been satisfying to finish a few projects recently (see below). I've done a little sewing and a lot of knitting, with plans for more of both.

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4 min read

Creativity check and finished projects, almost summer 2021

The daily high temps are flirting with summer weather where we live, and we've been enjoying it so much. That said, when we're not outside, and especially in the evenings, I have still been working on creative pursuits, namely knitting and sewing.

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4 min read

Creativity check in and finished knitting & sewing projects, late April 2021

I'm not sure what has gotten into me, but I've been diligent and enthusiastic about making lately. Knitting socks (and a new sweater too) has been so enjoyable for me, and I'm really enjoying the luxury of a better space for sewing. We recently...

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4 min read

Creativity check & finished projects, mid March 2021

I wanted to check in and give a few updates and plans about my creative pursuits. I've been knitting and sewing some lately, and it's been so satisfying to finish several projects.

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7 min read

Creative goals for 2021 & finished projects

As I have done in other years, I like to begin the year with a rough plan for how I will approach creative projects. I make note of supplies or things I have on hand, especially ones that I'm excited to "use up." I review patterns I've bookmarked. I...

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3 min read

Pink Lou box top, finished

Sewing hasn't been my go-to for quite some time. I do enjoy it, but in a home where the setup and takedown are a bit extensive and the "sewing table," aka kitchen table, is feet from the baby's room, the quiet of knitting needles usually wins out....

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8 min read

Creativity check, late May 2020 (& lots of completed projects)

I have been working on quite a few projects, as of late. And as more summery weather happens, as usual, I'm finding my creative rhythms shift a little. The effect the seasons has on my making is always interesting to me. I write these posts mostly...

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6 min read

Several finished quarantine knits and creativity check, April 2020

My hands and needles have been relatively busy as of late. And while I usually like to grant each completed project its own post, sometimes, it makes sense to group them together. All three of these projects fall into the category of "quarantine...

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6 min read

Creative goals for 2020 and finished Christmas socks

With the new year, I find it helpful to roughly frame out some creative ambitions for the coming months. I take stock of supples or yarn I have on hand, patterns I'm eyeing, and longed-for projects that I would enjoy making. And over time, I've...

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15 min read

2019: A year in review

Every year, I find it a bit therapeutic to look back on the last year. I know my heart is bent toward nostalgia, and at times, I wonder if that is one of the reasons I find looking back easier than looking forward. That's something for me to mull...

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