
5 min read

Cooper is five!

A few weeks ago, we celebrated our biggest little boy – he's five years old now! I know everyone talks about how quickly time passes, but I truly feel it with each passing birthday of our kids.

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4 min read

Finn is two!

In my recent post about life in the kitchen, lately, I alluded to a recent family birthday. Finn turned two in March! Oh, I can hardly believe that it has been two whole years since his birth, and our first opportunity to get to know him, and a year...

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4 min read

Him, 34 years

We celebrated Nicholas' birthday a few weekends ago! It fell on a Friday, and his request for a treat was breakfast sourdough cinnamon rolls (the boys were thrilled about this, of course). The day before, they helped me roll out and assemble the...

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6 min read

Turning thirty-three & sewing an Orchards Dress

My birthday was at the end of September, and I typically like to reflect on my life (at whatever age I am) each year on my birthday. We don't have extravagent birthday celebrations, but with each birthday in our family, we try to make the day feel...

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5 min read

Cooper is four!

I can hardly believe that our first baby turned four this past week. Each year spent with him is a gift.

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4 min read

Him, 33 years

Since his birthday was on a Thursday, he worked and I had a regular day with the boys, but I did prepare dough to make his requested birthday treat: sourdough cardamom knots (I made them around Christmas, and we love them).

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3 min read

Him, 32 years

Towards the end of January, we celebrated Nicholas' birthday. It was a Wednesday, so the bulk of the day was normal, adult happenings. The day prior, I prepared the base for sourdough cinnamon rolls to long ferment. The morning of, Cooper and I...

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4 min read

Him, 31 years & Valentine's day brightness

Every year, I write a love letter to Nicholas on his birthday, or at least the week of his birthday. I'm just continuing on a theme where I'm a month+ late with any time-specific posts. And that's okay. Belated love letters have no less significance.

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4 min read

Him, 30 years

This past weekend was Nicholas' thirtieth birthday! It feels a little surreal to me that we've celebrated more than a decade of birthdays together. We had a mellow celebration weekend for him. Saturday, we stayed at home, with the exception of a...

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4 min read

Him, 29 years

This past Saturday was Nicholas' birthday! My sister-in-law, Katelyn, has been visiting us the last several days. The three of us started his birthday out with an early breakfast at Snooze, followed by coming home and opening his birthday gifts....

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3 min read

Him, 28 years

Today is Nicholas' birthday and each year, around this time, I write him a love letter.

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2 min read

Him, 27 years

Today is Nicholas' birthday and each year, around this time, I write him a love letter.

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2 min read

Him, 26 years

Tuesday was Nicholas' birthday, or more specifically, his golden birthday. Just like last year, I wrote a little love note to him on his birthday.

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