
4 min read

Life lately, late spring 2024

I kept meaning to get a blog post out earlier than this, but nevertheless, here it is! It's been so long since I did a little "life lately" post, where I recap recent little joys and happenings in our life. Everything I'll share here has been since...

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4 min read

A little life, spring 2024

A friend of mine and I often discuss the practice of finding delight in our "little lives." My life isn't glamorous, but there are moments where I am acutely aware of the gift of the life I have, as mama to these two little boys, and wife to...

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5 min read

Life lately, winter 2024

It has been quite some time since I wrote a little catch-up post on the little doings in our life. I like to record the bits and pieces, the details of daily life that might otherwise be forgotten months or years from now. Things that feel small,...

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5 min read

Bright bits of life, December 2023

Amidst the busyness of moving and settling in, we have been up to other little bits of life! Of course, there are Christmas preparations and festive baking, last-minute gift wrapping and post office trips, meal planning for Christmas Eve and...

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3 min read

We moved!

It's been awhile since my last post, and for good reason. I mentioned in that particular post that we were in "a flurry of organizing and paring down," and that's true–in preparation for a move to a different house in our area, just across town.

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3 min read

Favorites of fall

Despite my writing in the previous post that fall felt like it passed the baton to winter, we've actually had some rather warm and sunny weather here. Trying to enjoy the ease of outdoor time without winter layers, just yet!

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5 min read

Local September fun

We've been up to some fun things over the past few weeks, and I figured it was time for a little catch up!

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4 min read

Life lately, early September 2023

Today, the air felt different. Cooler and more crisp. Filled with anitcipation. The last several weeks since my last "life lately" post, have been filled with a lot of summery fun and they've felt full. I might be getting ahead of myself, since it...

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7 min read

Life lately, late July 2023

Looking back at my recent posts, I realized it has been a long time since I wrote a little post about "life lately." I've written about things in our life, yes, like Cooper turning four, a visit to our friends in Bloomington, a visit from my family,...

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