
4 min read

Celebrating Finn and a spring family visit

Well, hello! It has been a long time, phew. It feels good to be back to writing and sharing about our life, beginning with a visit from my family in mid-April!

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4 min read

Christmas 2023, part 2

I wrote about the first round of our Christmas celebrations, and then, for the second round a couple weeks ago, my parents and brother, Matt, drove down to visit and celebrate a belated Christmas together.

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6 min read

A fall visit with family

This past weekend, my parents and brother made the drive down from my original home state of Minnesota for a visit with us! The weather and the fall colors were beautiful throughout the entire visit, so we spent lots of time outdoors.

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4 min read

A family visit in July

A few weekends ago, my parents and brother drove down from Minnesota to visit. It had been a few months since we had last seen them, when they visited back in April, and we all wanted to celebrate a belated birthday for Cooper!

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5 min read

A spring visit with family

This past weekend, my parents and my brother drove down from Minnesota to visit us. We wanted to spend time together, and also celebrate my brother's birthday and a belated Finn's birthday.

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12 min read

2022: A year in review

Welcome to my annual post of our life in the last year – a review of all the big and little events, travels, habits, heartbreaks, and joys. These posts require a lot of time and energy, in part due to sifting through all the posts I wrote in the...

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3 min read

A summer weekend in Ohio & a visit with friends

A few weeks ago, we drove out to visit some of Nicholas' family in Ohio. It was our first "long" car ride with both boys, and the drive out was admittedly very long, especially with an infant who loathes the carseat. Nonetheless, it was very...

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