3 min read

Our family is growing!

It feels like the right time to share some news we've been keeping (mostly) to ourselves and to close friends and family. We are expecting a baby in the spring!

This post and its news has been a long time coming, in the short-term sense and long-term sense. Pregnancy after loss(es) requires an abundance of trust in the Lord for His plan for our family, and trust in Him for the health of our sweet baby. I wouldn't say I've been fraught with anxiety, but there is a higher degree of caution. We don't take this news lightly, the sharing or the receiving of it.

As I write this, I am now twenty-weeks into this pregnancy. We just had an anatomy scan and found out that we are having another boy! What joy for Cooper to get to be a big brother to another boy. He already talks about the baby, blows raspberries on my belly, asks to hold the baby in one breath, and then says, "baby's gotta grow more," in the next. The magnitude of his understanding and excitement have been an unexpected joy.

We have been doing regular life things, which I have shared on here. What I haven't shared are pictures of a growing belly, the joy that comes from feeling strong kicks early, the fatigue and sickness of first (and some of second) trimester, etc. Omitting those details felt right for many months, and now it sits well with us to share.

My "due date" (it's truly an approximation, isn't it) falls within a week of what had been my due date with the twins, only a year later. There is a sweetness to the timing of that. It is the Lord's kindness. Springtime will always feel bittersweet and special to us.

And beyond that, I'll share a few photos that I haven't yet shared, for obvious reasons. We've known about the baby since August, so these photos span that time. My hands are more full with a busy toddler, so the weeks and months blend together a bit. But we are thrilled with the anticipation of meeting this little boy someday soon-ish, and praising God and in awe of the way He is forming this little person inside of me, week by week.


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