1 min read

One Second (most) Everyday

This will be my last year-specific post for quite some time, but it is one I really wanted to share.

From March to December 2016, I've been working on a little project via the app 1 Second Everyday (1SE). The basic premise: take a clip of video every day, use the app to trim it to one second in length, and then compile all the one second clips together. I wasn't perfect in my recording. Some days I forgot to take a video, sometimes the video wasn't useable, and it technically wasn't a full year's length, since I started in March. But life is much too short to ruminate on all the pitfalls of creativity. The truth is that it was a good creative stretch for me, and I cherish a bit of "moving pictures," since they capture so much more than a photo, somehow. For those of you who see me on a regular basis, thank you for putting up with countless utterings of "Oh! I need to take a video for today!" And for everyone else, I hope you enjoy this imperfect (albeit fun, in my opinion!) video.

Song: "When U Love Somebody" by Fruit Bats

P.S.—We're novices at video editing. The 1SE app compiled the clips, and then Nicholas added music, transitions, etc with iMovie, which was more intuitive than we anticipated and fun to work on together.

P.P.S.—I'm still sick, but hoping the antibiotic I just started with begin to help (that is, if this is a bacterial bug vs a viral one). But a big thanks to sweet friends bringing me tea and probiotic-rich foods(!) as I'm hopefully on the mend.


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