2 min read

Waking up to the new year

Here, on the seventh of January, I've been wracking my brain for a resolution or intention for 2016. If I had to choose (maybe by writing this post I am choosing), my anticipatory "word of the year" would be wakefulness.  In contrast, a sleepy life would be filled with grumbling, without intention to do hard work or a meaningful pursuit of growth. I don't want any of those things. I don't want to spend my life asleep, I want to wake up:

To be present for those around me.

To realize my usefulness for the gospel.

To an increased awareness of my selfishness and vanity (and subsequent justification of it).

To the acknowledgement of my own insignificance without Jesus.

To see more of the Lord's glory in the world around me.

My friend, Jessica, recently shared these verses with me. The timing is perfect as we've started a new year:

Teach us to number our days, that we may present to you a heart of wisdom [...] Let the favor of the Lord our God be on us, confirm the work of our hands. Psalm 90:12, 17

I'm praying for wakefulness and the wisdom to pursue it in a way that's most glorifying to Him. I'm praying for Him to confirm the work of my hands—at work, at church, at home, and in my marriage as He brings awakening to my sleepy heart.

And, because I like lists, here are a few glimpses of our new year so far:

  1. A run to clear my head of worries (and fill it up with worship)
  2. Drinking tea everyday
  3. Snacking on popcorn
  4. Reading and studying the book of Hebrews
  5. Tacos, duh.
  6. Cortados, mindless knitting, mindful conversations.
  7. Long conversations and laughing until I cry with a sweet friend
  8. Adding another new knitter to the wooly community—yay, Stacy!
  9. Brainstorming what to make with some new yarn from a thoughtful friend. Also? That canvas project bag sums up my life in four words.
  10. Watching The Paradise and North & South on Netflix.
  11. Crockpot meals
  12. Wearing scarves and jackets one day, and then wearing my chacos today(!)
  13. Dreary, misting skies made happier with the brightest pink roses.


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